


All get your questions for Madonna as she is doing a questions and answers ;section ;over Twitter.

To celebrate ; ;her new album ;MDNA ;Madonna is doing a ;questions and answers night on Twitter you can tweet her from ;10 PM EST Monday 26th March.

She will only be ; ;answering questions for one-day only via Twitter.

If you want to ask her a question then all you need to do it to tweet your question to ;@MadonnaMDNAday ;and don’t forget to include the #askmadonna hashtag.

Could 50cent do anything more beside just put his face on something. Apparently he can! Coming out with a new product called Street King.

We believe that if you improve your energy, you gain the power to change bigger things. One 2.5-ounce shot of Street King gives you 6 hours of focus and energy – and it’­s the best tasting shot out there. Every bottle we sell helps feed a child in need. –


Let’s see if the thing actually works.